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Widgetter for Mac

Customize your Mac desktop easily.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Widgetter overview

Widgetter - Custom Desktop is a direct line to upscaling your desktop into a work station perfectly tailored to your needs.
Start building a customized home screen to have all the key data points and basic functions always remain available at a glance.
The app streamlines the controls by collecting the pivotal information about your Mac’s performance as well as the most essential commands and wrapping them into widgets. You can pick any combination of those to be displayed on the screen, group and arrange them in an optimal way. For the most essential ones, make sure to use always-on-top feature so they show up over every opened window.

Choose the screensaver you like from the huge collection of 4k and 5k wallpapers.
The collection of widgets covers a range of system data (logs, reports and operations) that you can conveniently and easily manage right from your desktop.
It doesn’t require any special knowledge, because our widgets will highlight and notify you about possible errors and problems.

The current lineup will provide you access to the following:
  • Date & Time: the nearest place to check in for temporal data.
  • Сalendar: refer to a wider context for your appointments and plans.
  • Weather: all the most important weather conditions - forecast for the current day and the upcoming week.
  • Battery: keep a consistent eye on the battery indicator to better plan around recharging times.
  • Music player: create the right ambience without extra clicks. The built-in playlist will help to directly navigate your audio library.
  • Quotes of currencies and cryptocurrencies: keep an eye on the changes in exchange rates and monitor the movements on the exchanges.
  • Tasks and Reminders: all your current and future tasks at a glance - you will not miss anything important.
  • CPU: track the usage to pinpoint moments when the system gets too busy.
  • RPM: monitor how the cooling system is functioning and prevent overheating.
  • RAM: get insights on the memory usage, including the list of resource intensive apps.
  • HDD/SSD: make sure you’re not running out of storage space.

Add multiple widgets of the same type to keep track of weather and time data in different cities, as well as compose selections of the right stocks.
As a finishing touch to your customized workspace, you can choose a look for the desktop by applying the right skins.

What’s new in version 1.18.0W

  • Added editing mode to prevent accidental widget movements;
  • Added the ability to customize the size of widgets to any size convenient for the user.
View older Widgetter versions

Widgetter for Mac

In English
Version 1.18.0W
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